Naval Security Force provides a variety of services ranging from operating the Military Working Dog program and Vehicle Registration Office to providing base security and pass and identification information.
Please call 315-264-3805 for general question about vehicle registration.
From the United States:
NAFA Security Office: 011-81-467-63-3200 NAFA Operator: 011-81-467-63-1110
From off-base within Japan:
NAFA Security Office: 0467-63-3200
NAFA Operator: 0467-63-1110
Note: These numbers are not toll free and are intended for emergency only. When calling, please state where you are calling from, the nature of the emergency, and provide as much information as possible regarding your need to reach the Security department to help you.
To access NAF Atsugi Force Protection's Teamsite on Gateway 2.0, a CAC card is required.

Your suggestion and feedback is always welcome.