The NAF Public Affairs Office’s mission is to provide coverage that supports the Navy, its facilities, people and missions by releasing timely news and photographs that highlight the accomplishments and achievements of naval units and their Sailors to media outlets.
The NAF Atsugi PAO provides effective two-way communications with our internal and external audiences. Staff advises the NAF Atsugi Commanding Officer regarding public affairs issues and concerns and executes the commander’s community relations, media relations, public information and command information programs. The NAF Atsugi PAO is the Commanding Officer’s sole release authority and acts as the spokesperson for the installation.
PAO Services
Still photographic coverage
Print journalism
Video media services
Web site maintenance
Photo Service by Public Affairs Office, NAF Atsugi
Full Length Portraits:
Second and 4th Wednesday of each month, 0900 - 1100
Digital files will be emailed by COB within 48 hours. PAO does not print a physical copy. We operate on a appointment only basis. Please send an email request to or call 264-4455.
Roster Photos:
Second and 4th Thursday of each month, 0900 - 1100
Digital files will be emailed by COB within 48 hours. PAO does not print a physical copy. We operate on a appointment only basis. Please send an email request to or call 264-4455.
Location: Building #949, 3rd Floor, across the hall from Legal. Men’s and Women’s restrooms are located on the same floor as the photo studio for changing into uniform.
The photo schedule runs the last week of the month, unless the last day of the month falls on a scheduled photo shoot day. In that event, the photo schedule will shift to one week earlier. Please contact the PAO photo studio with any additional questions at 264-4455, 264-4458 or
Request for Photo and a Photographer:
Any photographer request should be submitted by e-mail at with full contact information such as full name, rank name of command and phone number in prior to 7 days from the event. We will get it back to you by COB of the day.
PAO Photo service is official use only. Requests such as those listed below not supported.
* Personal requests such as farewell events held by private parties and organizations.
* Any photo for passport use (Please use the kiosk located in the NEX Food Court)
In case of special requests or circumstances, please contact LCPO/LPO at 264-4458 or e-mail at
Volunteer Events
Do you have a volunteer opportunity you'd like to have advertised? Email with the following information: Event Name, Time and Date, Location, POC Organization (i.e. HNRO, AIMD, Chapel, etc.), DSN, plus any additional details.
For any other questions, please contact Public Affairs Office, 264-4455/4458.
Contact Us
Public Affairs Office
PSC 477 BOX 9
FPO AP 96306
DSN: 315-264-4455 or 315-264-4458
Comm.: 011-81-467-63-4455 or 011-81-467-63-4458

To access N00P Public Affairs Office Atsugi's Teamsite on Gateway, a CAC card is required.

Your suggestion and feedback is always welcome.