Vehicle Registration
If you have any questions regarding the registration, deregistration or disposal of a vehicle including LTO, please contact VRO at 315-264-3805, or 0467-63-3805.
Bicycle Registration:
A receipt of purchase, household goods paperwork with bicycle information, or a voluntary statement obtained at the security department if you do not have either of the two required items. If you have any questions please contact base Security at 264-3200.
Important Notice for PASS & ID:
Accepted Japanese National ID Cards:
Japanese Nationals must present one of the following:
Japan passport,
Jumin-kihon-daicho Card,
My Number Card,
Japanese driver's license with supplemental documentation
Acceptable supplemental documentation will be either a Kisai-inji-hyou (Permanent resident address certificate issued from Japanese Police) or a Jumin-hyo (Registry of current residential address maintained by local City Halls) within 90 days of issuance and also clearly states the permanent address.
Latest Posts:
Quick Note for the change of Access Control Onboard NAF Atsugi
1) 有効期限内のパスポート(外国籍の場合は有効期限内のビザも必要)
2) 在留カード(有効期限内)
3) 写真つき住民基本台帳カード(有効期限内)
4) 写真つきマイナンバーカード(有効期限内)
5) 運転免許証(有効期限内)+最新の記載印字票
注意事項: 運転免許証は、最新の記載印字票または本籍記載の住民票とセットで身分証となります。
Telephone Number for questions: (お問い合わせ先)
Pass & ID: Mon-Fri 6am – 10pm (Sat. Sun &Holidays 0700 - 2200)
DSN: 315-264-4554
COM: 011-81-467-63-4554
Japanese local: 0467-63-4554
Contact Us for CID:
If you have witnessed a crime or would like to report a crime, call DSN (315) 264-3161/0467-63-3161. (You may remain anonymous).
Click below images for a larger view. (ACCEPTABLE ID FOR NAFA ACCESS)

GOJ Road Tax (Annual):
Under an intergovernmental agreement, SOFA personnel will make payment for use of roads in Japan by motor vehicles privately owned, possessed, or in custody of SOFA personnel. Payments are collected at the local Japanese city office beginning in April for all vehicles.
In April, the annual Motor Vehicle Road Tax is paid upfront for the entire JFY (1 April to 31 March of the following year). U.S. Forces personnel who later sell their vehicle to another.
U.S. Forces member or junk their vehicle will not receive a Road Tax refund for the portion of the JFY the vehicle is not under their ownership. Likewise, U.S. Forces personnel that purchase a vehicle after the Road Tax is paid in April will not pay the tax until the following April.
VRO: Monday - Friday 8am – 4pm (Sat. Sun. & Holidays: Closed)
DSN: 315-264-3805
COM: 011-81-467-63-3805
Japanese local: 0467-63-3805
NAF Atsugi Vehicle Registration Office (VRO) Process (Updated on August 26, 2015)
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