One-Day Guest visiting hours:
Sun-Sat 0800-2359
Family Housing
Navy Lodge & Navy Gateway Inn
24 hours (with lodging receipt)
E-6 and Below - 8 a.m. - midnight
E-7 and Above - 8 a.m. - midnight
1. One Day, Two Day and Three Day Overnight Passes are available for personnel residing in base housing or if they show proof of receipt for the Navy Lodge, Navy Gateway Inn or BOQ.
a. Sponsoring SOFA member must have ID card registered in the DBIDS system before they are able to sign on guest or vehicles.
b. One day guest/vehicle passes and overnight passes must be returned to VRO/Pass & ID office with their guests present.
2. House Guest Pass (not to exceed 60 days in a calendar year). These passes are available for guests visiting NAF Atsugi personnel who will be staying on base for a period longer than 3 days. Medical Insurance or Traveler's insurance valid in Japan is required to obtain this pass with a minimum coverage of $100,000 US dollars.
a. A guest pass request must be submitted prior to guests arrival. The request forms are available inside VRO/Pass & ID office.
3. Vehicle Registration Office hours is as follow: Mon-Fri 0800-1600.
4. Pass & ID Office is manned 0600-2359, Mon-Fri, 0700 - 2359 Sat - Sun.
5. For more information, please contact VRO/Pass & ID, NAF Atsugi at 264-3805. For Contractor Pass questions please call 264-3805/2112.