Our Mission
N6's role is to act as an Enabler by supporting NAF Atsugi, CNRJ and CNIC. As such, we are tasked with ensuring that information technology is contributing to transformation of CNIC into a true adaptive enterprise through the integration of uniform business systems that enhance readiness and contribute to speed, agility, business intelligence and situational awareness.
Our Vision
Be the sole provider of shore capability, to sustain the Fleet, enable the Fighter, and support Family and Friends.
What does N6 do?
• Ensure the Naval war fighting team is armed with secure, assured, accurate, and timely information to fight and win.
• Deliver secure, interoperable, and integrated IM and IT capabilities to the Navy and to support the full spectrum of war fighting and war fighting support missions.
• Establish and manage a secure, interoperable net-centric Naval IM and IT infrastructure.
• Protect and defend our Naval critical infrastructures, networks, and information to maximize mission assurance.
• Accelerate the migration of our applications and data to web-centric Naval environment to facilitate war fighting and business transformation.
• Create, align, and share knowledge to enable effective and agile decision-making to achieve Knowledge Dominance.
• Ensure Naval IM and IT investments are selected, resourced, and acquired to deliver affordable enhancements to war fighter effectiveness.
• Lead an agile, highly capable IM and IT workforce, executing current and emerging missions.
Day to day responsibilities are focused on supporting data and voice communication requirements for operations, exercises, and real world contingencies.
The N6 provides support to all NAFA departments and limited support to tenant commands.
Contact Us:
Chief Information Officer (N6)
PSC 477 Box 9
FPO AP 96306-1209
DSN 315-264-3000

To access N6 Atsugi on Gateway 2.0, a CAC card is required.

Your suggestion and feedback is always welcome.