The Naval Air Facility Atsugi Administrative Office’s mission is to provide professional and expedient general administrative support services for the Naval Air Facility and 27 tenant commands residing on NAF Atsugi proper to include correspondence tracking, record keeping, mail distribution, and all in/out processing of military and civilian personnel for the command. The staff reviews and analyzes internal and external Navy policies and programs having impact on the command and provides administrative recommendations to meet required changes. Within the department are command representatives for training, career counseling, command evaluation, and total force manpower.
Working Hours: 0730 - 1630
Contact Us
Administrative Department
PSC 477 Box 9
FPO AP 96306-1209
DSN 315-264-3105
To access NAFA Directives, a CAC card is required.

NAFA Directives are available on NAFA Gateway Landing page.

To access N04C Command & Staff's Teamsite (Administraive Department) page, a CAC card is required.

Your suggestion and feedback is always welcome.