| EMS Policy Statement | Household Hazardous Product Reuse Program | Qualified Recycling Program | Energy Conservation |
Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka is committed to environmental compliance that meets or exceeds applicable local, host nation, and federal environmental laws, regulations, and policies. We acknowledge that environmental stewardship is essential to the safe, healthful, and compliant execution of our mission and the preservation and protection of our natural resources and the environment. We are committed to minimizing impacts on the environment whenever practical, to preventing pollution at its source, and to continually improving our environmental performance.
Emergency: 911 or 046-816-0911
Environmental Office
DSN: 243-6592
Commercial: 046-816-6592
At Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka, we enable the fighter by promoting energy resiliency, reliability and efficiency. You can help with this effort by conserving energy.
Q: What are the allowable thermostat setpoints during the summer cooling season and winter heating season?
Per COMFLEACTINST 11300.2G, during the cooling season the thermostats shall be set no lower than 78°F (25.5°C). If your Japanese thermostat is not capable of being set to half degree increments, then it shall be set to 26°C. During the heating season thermostats shall be set no higher than 68°F (20°C). It is the responsibility of the occupants of each space to ensure that the correct temperature set points are followed. Some housing units have the ability to turn on heating units before the official designation of the heating season, or cooling before the official designation of the cooling season. This is not authorized.
Q: Why doesn’t my unit provide heating/cooling for a few weeks during the spring, and again during the fall?
Due to the configuration of the installed heating and cooling equipment, heating and cooling must be secured for about four weeks during the spring and fall (when outdoor air temperatures are milder) so that we can perform preventative maintenance on the equipment. This preventative maintenance reduces the risk of failure during high-use periods, which includes the hot summer months and cold winter months. We strive to perform this maintenance as quickly as possible to reduce the level of discomfort and appreciate your patience during this time.
Building Infrastructure and Energy Manager (BIEM) Program
Energy and Water Management Program
COMFLEACTYOKOSUKAINST 11300.2H – Specifies the existence of heating/cooling seasons for preventative maintenance, as well as the heating thermostat set point of 20°C (68°F) and a cooling thermostat set point of 25.5°C (78°F).
AC and Heating Requirements Waiver Request Form (Fillable) – Enclosure (2) from COMFLEACTYOKOSUKAINST 11300.2H as a fillable PDF form. BIEMs to complete form and accompany with completed temperature record log. Email completed documentation to Installation Energy Manager to have waiver considered.
Temperature Record Log (Fillable) – Fillable PDF to guide BIEMs when documenting claims of inadequate space temperatures for the activity being performed. This document will serve as supporting documentation for the AC and Heating Waiver Request Form. Alternatively, BIEM may request that temperatures be recorded via data loggers. Contact Installation Energy Manager to request use of data loggers.
We want your feedback! If you have comments or concerns about energy or water conservation at any CFAY activity, please send an email to CFAYEnergy@fe.navy.mil. For urgent maintenance concerns (such as electric safety hazards or significant water leaks), call the Public Works Department Trouble Desk at 115 for immediate assistance.
Qualified Recycling Program
The Qualified Recycling Program is an arm of Integrated Solid Waste Management that is designed to reduce the generation or volume of solid waste for disposal and lessen the impact that Fleet Activities Yokosuka tenants have on the environment. Surplus funds, generated by the QRP, can be used for various projects and programs within the COMFLEACT, Yokosuka AOR.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 0800-1200 and 1300-1530. Closed on federal holidays.