| CFA Yokosuka MWR | CFA Yokosuka FFSC |
| CFA Yokosuka Housing |
Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka Fleet and Family Support Center has three locations to serve the Yokosuka and Ikego communities. The main office is on the 4th Floor of the Community Resource Center across the street from the Yokosuka Commissary. FFSC's Transition Assistance Program, or TAP, is in the Fleet Recreation Center on the third floor in the Navy College wing next to the CFAY FAST office. The third location is a satellite detachment in Ikego next to the Ikego NEX Mini-Mart.
FFSC provides a wide range of programs and services to assist Sailors and their families with the challenges of a military lifestyle. Offering programs including Ombudsman, Relocation Assistance’s Area Orientation Brief / Intercultural Relations program, the Family Employment Readiness Program, and dozens of classes including Japanese language and financial trainings, the FFSC’s mission is to enhance operational readiness, strengthen resiliency and quality-of-life in the Forward Deployed Naval Forces by providing customer focused, consistent, and efficient programs and services.
Yokosuka's FFSC is one of the first stops all incoming personnel will visit whether accompanied or unaccompanied, military or civilian, and regardless of citizenship. AOB/ICR is a three-day class that introduces newly arrived personnel to base services, SOFA rights and responsibilities, and basic Japanese language and cultural education. AOB/ICR is a pre-requisite for the SOFA Driver's License. Personnel may register for AOB/ICR by emailing ffscinfo@us.navy.mil. Please note, native Japanese speakers and civilians who communicate fluently in Japanese may have an opportunity to request to have some portions of the brief waived at the coordinator's discretion.
Military personnel, civilians, and family members who have received orders to any command in Yokosuka or hired by any agency based in Yokosuka and concerned with any of the following should consider reaching out the FFSC as early as possible.
Relocation Assistance Program
Family Employment Readiness Program
Exceptional Family Member Program
Maps of FFSC locations are available on Seahawk Umitaka.
Contact us
DSN: 243-3372
Local: 046-816-3372
International: 011 +81-46-816-3372
| MWR | FFSC | Housing |
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