Captain Paul A. Hockran is a native of Andover, Ohio and graduated from the United States Naval Academy in May 1995 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He earned a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College in 2015. He was designated a Naval Flight Officer in December 1996 at the 562nd Flight Training Squadron at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
Captain Hockran’s operational assignments include a junior officer tour with the Red Lancers of Patrol Squadron (VP) 10, a dis-associated sea tour as the operations administration officer and Officer of the Deck (underway) aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73), operations officer with the Fighting Tigers of VP-8, command of the Peregrines of Tactical Air Control Squadron (TACRON) 11, and as Navigator and Command Duty Officer (Underway) aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). His deployments were in support of Operations Deliberate Forge, Allied Force, Noble Anvil, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and Inherent Resolve.
Captain Hockran’s shore assignments include Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1, CTF-57/72 in Kami Seya, Japan as the Republic of Korea Navy Liaison Officer, Association of South East Asian Nations Exercise Planner, Task Force Watch Officer and CTF 57 Assistant Current Ops Forward (Bahrain), VP-30 as a Fleet Replacement Squadron TACCO/NAVCOMM Instructor and Student Control Officer, the Joint Staff where he served as Chief, Alternate National Military Command Center (Site R) in the Deputy Directorates for Global Operations (J-39) and Command, Control, and Nuclear Operations (J-36) and U.S. 3rd Fleet as the Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and the Maritime Operations Center Executive Officer.
Captain Hockran is designated a Joint Qualified Officer. His personal awards include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (three awards), Air Medal Strike/Flight (two awards), Navy Commendation Medal (six awards), and Navy Achievement Medal (two awards). He was selected as the 2004 Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Junior Officer Shiphandler of the Year. In 2016, his peers selected him for the Navy and Marine Association Leadership Award.
Last Updated: 5 February 2025