Master Chief Anderson is a native of Oakland, California. He entered the Delayed Entry Program on September 28, 1995 as a Machinist Mate (MM) (Conventional) and volunteered for submarine duty as a Torpedoes Mate
(TM) in February 2002.
His career in the Navy has spanned throughout the Surface fleet, Submarine fleet, Aviation fleet, Naval Sea Systems Enterprise, Joint Command, and Command Naval Installations Enterprise.
His sea duty assignments include the USS SACRAMENTO (AOE-1) - MM, USS PORTSMOUTH (SSN 707) – TMLPO, USS GREENEVILLE (SSN 772) -TMLCPO, USS TEXAS (SSN 775) - Weapons Department Chief, USS BUFFALO (SSN 715) - 3MC, USS BREMERTON
(SSN 698) - Chief-of-the-Boat Qualifications, USS ASHEVILLE (SSN 758) - Chief-of-the-Boat, USS COLUMBUS (SSN 762) - Chief-of-the-Boat (Awarded the Weapons “W” and Navigation “N”), AIRBORNE COMMAND & CONTROL SQUADRON ONE ONE SIX (VAW 116) - Command Master Chief (Embarked on USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN 71 and USS Nimitz CVN 68 respectively and awarded the prestigious Battle “E” award).
He completed eight western pacific deployments across the INDOPACOM AOR, Fifth Fleet AOR, US Southern Command AOR, to include Artic operations, and several humanitarian and drug interdiction deployments.
Shore duty assignments include Navy Recruiting District San Francisco. He served on staff with Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific Fleet as the Submarine Force TM (Weapons Adviser). COMSUBPAC Staff duties include Tactical Readiness Evaluation (TRE) weapons adviser, Force Protection/Anti-terrorism assessment evaluator for the submarine tenders, and Assistant Fleet Material Assessment Coordinator for the submarine tenders. Additionally, Master Chief Anderson served as the
Command Master Chief of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard in support of continued Fleet readiness. Master Chief Anderson served as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the SECDEF directed Joint Task Force Red Hill in coordination with USINDOPACOM.
Master Chief Anderson graduated from the Senior Enlisted Academy (Class 182) with Honors, Chief-of-the-Boat/ Command Master Chief course, and Advanced Command Master Chief Course at Naval
Leadership and Ethics Center at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island. Master Chief Anderson completed a Department of Labor certification with an emphasis on Office Manager and Administrative Services.
His decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2), Navy Commendation Medal (3), Navy Achievement Medal (10), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (3), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Expert Rifle and Pistol Medals, Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and various campaign and unit awards.
Last Updated: 2 March 2025